Fake it 'til you make it is bullsh%t

I hear this phrase over and over again and I don’t like it. It feeds that useless “confidence gap” story and tells us we’re not real. That our efforts, even if they LOOK well executed, while feeling shaky, aren’t real, aren’t legit.

So, I’m calling bullsh%t.

In my workshop — Your Most Powerful Ask, LIVE! — I speak to women whose Asks depend on stretching themselves and doing something new, something that doesn't feel quite “right” yet, something that is unknown territory.

Are they faking it? Hell, no. They are DOING IT.

It’s time to take the credit you deserve for the doing you’re doing even if it feels like faking.

You are doing it.  And you will keep doing it until you make it. All 100% un-fake.

You can read a bit more on this from me in this OpEd in AdWeek360.


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